Rough day emotionally. Our emotions are all over the place. Usually I am steady as a rock no matter what. We have a guest in out home off the street. God has put her with us for a short time. Each day we see how God is her provision and out provision. She is very broken like the man in the story of the Good Samaritan. When my emotions were dragging me down yesterday, I went to my Bible for help. Here is what I found: 1. the parable of the Prodical Son; Luke 15:11-32 2. the parable of the Persistent Widow Luke 18; 3. the parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37; the message of the Sheep and the Goates Matthew 25:31-40.
Today I still feel overwhelmed by the overall situation with our guest. But guess what? God has this.